Sunday, July 17, 2011

When will they start listening?

I don't know exactly how you feel, but I'm pretty much in the same spot. I had 4 kids in 5 years and all of them are big trouble makers. My husband is in the army and hasn't been here for the last nine months. My kids are now 7,5,3,2. It seems that they start being a little better behaved around four years old but starts to get a lot better by five. I still have some issues with behavior though, it feels like they run circles around me sometimes. The key is consistent discipline while they are younger, even if you have to stop what you are doing, or leave a store to accomplish it. When they get older you have heart felt discussions about how their behavior effects you. They will get to the point where they empathize and want to help. My oldest will say, "Mom I know the girls are being bad and you are getting frustrated, what do you want me to do to help?" She is such a sweetheart now, but it is due to the fact that she has learned I don't put up with her crap, and many heart to heart talks. She used to be the worst of all. Oh the stories I could tell. I know it seems sometimes like there is no light at the end of the tunnel when it is 24/7. Keep your head up and fight the good fight. It'll be worth it. Another tip I have is get them involved in the cleaning up. I tell my kids if they can't behave they must need a chore to keep them busy. Even the little ones like taking a wet rag and wiping down the walls. I know yours are still little but they can do something to help mama out. Also I would like to add that they are not too young for discipline. I always start my kids when they are 18 months to two years old. The older they are the harder they are to fight. Let them know who is in charge.

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