Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7 weeks and feeling like I'm going to pass out?

I am 7w1d pregnant. I have a feeling that something isn't going like it should be. I've been running a constant feveer of about 100.5, no matter what medicines I take to break it. I feel like I'm getting the flu as well. My head is stuffy, I can't breathe out of my nose, and I've been going from extremely hot to shivering in a second. I have also been having horrible cramps in my lower stomach and a catch in my back. These cramps are WAY worse than my normal period cramps, but there hasn't been any bleeding. Last night, I took a warm bath and was only in there about ten or fifteen minutes. I got out because my head started to spin and my eyes were starting to go black. I walked to the kitchen and couldn't feel the floor under my feet, or my legs up to my knees. I had a temp of 100.8. After this, I felt really weak and sick to my stomach, so I sat down. When this didn't help, I laid down on the couch for a minute to rest. I was sweating heavily, but it felt like cold sweat. Maybe because I was burning up so much? I don't know. I continued to lay there and breathe heavily for a few minutes. Is this normal or should this be something I'm worried about?

House flooded. Is the insurance co being fair to me?

I would seek advice from a professional flooring installer. If they can give you some supporting information that the flooring was damaged when water got beneath the vinyl your insurance company will probably change their mind. Ask the ins co which flooring company they regularly use in your area and have them inspect the floor. That way they will be more receptive to the claim. Good Luck

What do you think of this plot idea for a book?

I love the idea, it will have so much tragedy, you might want to have a comic relief, so the reader wont feel so horrible and sad while reading it. Maybe at the end the dad could have an emotional break down or something like that.

Would Girls like a Guy who has Blue Eyes and Long Eye lashes? Girls Only!?

Omg I love guys with blue eyes! And your long eyelashes would compliment your eyes! So yes girls would like you because you hair and eyes. Because blue eyes are beautiful but it all depends on the personality. So good luck.!! :)

Help with dying my hair the right color? (People with DARK DARK hair only please)?

Ok i have dyed my hair 4 times in my life... every color i got was too dark!!! I have super dark jet black hair ( i try to go light.. but im TERRIFIED to go too light because i dont want to look crazy, but i heard the darker your hair is, the lighter you should go..) and i want like a reddish brownish color.. more red though.. red goes good with my skin tone better.. i DONT want Rihanna, Ronald McDonald red.. just something that would look nice and actually show up indoors and outdoors.. i want to notice that i dyed my hair.. and i want other people to notice my hair color without me being in the sun.. any tips? any really good hair hair dyes you have tried? ( dont mention Revlon.. tryed it.. hate it..)

Funny smell coming out of my kitchen drain?

Yesterday I snaked out my bathroom sink to remove a clog.Later on in the day I found there was a funny smell like sewage coming from my kitchen sink.I cannot figure out why this would be occurring.All my pipes are PVC and are newer.Can someone tell me why before I call a plumber and have to spend money! Thanks :)

If u are a 13 yr old girl and no one is home and u have 2 air conditioners on and are cooking on a small grill?

In the kitchen and all of a sudden only of of the air goes off and the house phone does too and the stove and the grill thing how do u turn on a breaker to the kitchen or whatever and fix the problem?!

Bad neighbors and their kids?

I think if you make a big deal over this these kids will begin to throw rocks at your house or worse and since they are only shooting something out of a toy gun, I am sure it is not causing any damage to your home, so sometimes it is best to ignore minor things or they could be major if you do something rash.

How/where to buy a PAL & SECAM VCR in USA?

I've got a JVC HR-J827MS which was superceded by the JVC HR-J82MS. Both are as rare as rocking horse doo doos and a recommended alternative that you might get hold of is the Samsung SV-5000W a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do some Democrats try to pony Fred Phelps off as a Republican?

Yeah. Total Democratic shill that guy is, "During the 1992 presidential campaign, Phelps criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton during a speech he gave endorsing Bill Clinton's presidential campaign at the University of Kansas on October 14, 1992. In 1996 Phelps and the Westboro church opposed Clinton's re-election because of the administration's support for gay rights. The entire Westboro congregation picketed a 1997 inaugural ball,[40] denouncing Vice President Al Gore as a "famous fag pimp."[41] In 1998, Westboro picketed the funeral of Gore's father, screaming vulgarities at Gore and telling him, "your dad's in Hell."[41]

Criminal Justice Ethical Scenario?

Report the incident to the district attorney, however I would first collect all corroborating evidence, due to their age there would have to be copious amounts of DNA, fingerprint and other. I would hold them on unrelated gang activity charges until I had the lab results back and then if the evidence supported a conviction the states attorney could charge them with the rape and murder without using the confessions. Since you stated a gang I would get the other gang members and interrogate them legally. The case would be a viable case since you are speaking of 14 year olds and they would leave all kinds of evidence around the area.}{

What can clear a VERY clogged drain ?

Kitchen sink is CRAZY clogged ! Hired a plumber who snaked and it worked ok for a couple weeks then clogged again. Purchased some ZEP and it seemed to work like a charm but now its completely clogged again ! Used an entire bottle of zep, plunged and still no help ! Its not my main line because the bathroom fixtures all drain in a heartbeat...what works ?!?!?!?! Im seriously getting pissed and i cannot afford another plumber that just "patches" the issue :(

Would President Ronald Reagan be able to run on the GOP ticket if he were alive today?

Yes he would. What happened during his time as president speaks for itself. He took over for one of the worst presidents in history(the current one will rival Caters place) and turned it all around. Within three years the trends and direction of the economy was obvious. He adjusted his policies as the economy got on track. One of the things often forgotten about his term was that he had to rebuild the military. Carter had decimated it and it was one area that truly needed attention and it is also where much of the government spending went. The policies that were put in place were in many areas, directly resulted in the prosperity of the Clinton era.

My bf videotaped us doing for the first time, and he seemed to like it.?

Why? We've been together for 2 years, and yesterday was the first time when he took his phone and started recording what we were doing, and it sort of turn him on even more. But he did delete it after we were done. It was done at the spur of the moment. But one thing I don't get it is how he's turned on by looking at the video recording when he can look at it without the videotape either if you know what I mean, Lol. Any ideas what is it about video recording that turned him or guys like him on?

Did she break her real teeth in the film Dogtooth?

Lots of blood came out, and her teeth were missing. Also did the father really hit her in the head with the videotapes? It felt so painful to me. Please answer my question.

What does my frightening dream mean?

U are feeling home sickness and want to live with ur family but as u are away, ur mind hankers after around ur desire to see ur family

Why does my dog keep following me?

he follows me everywhere i go, bathroom, bed, kitchen, couch- does your dog or cat do that? is that normal?

When did videotaping TSA employees become "suspicion of interfering with a transportation facility"?

Those charges will most definitely be dropped, and they should sue the TSA as well as the local Police Department for violation of their First Amendment rights. You can only be arrested for committing a crime, not for just looking suspicious. And if there is a law that states “suspicion of interfering with a transportation facility” then it should go through the courts for its constitutionality, because that sounds like a clear violation of the Constitution.

Is locking your kid outside for 2 hours considered child abuse?

Last night my mom and I got into a fight and she threw me outside and she shut the door so fast that she caught my ankle in it. My mom came outside and videotaped me, called me a *****, and told me the only thing I'm good at doing is eating (I'm about 30-40 lbs overweight). I sat on my porch for 2 hours with no jacket or shoes (it was really chilly and windy here yesterday) until my Nana got home and I walked to her house. I ended up having to spend the night there. She also wouldn't let me come in the house to eat or shower. Is this considered child abuse? Is there anything I can do to get out of this situation? My mom also said not to come home after school so I don't know if I should just go to my nana's house again or go to a friend's house. Help me? My mom is also abusive (verbally and physically).

Is this a good intro?

Journal 1 and Journal 2 sound like two different people narrating it. Are they supposed to be two different people. The storyline and plot sounds really interesting though! :)


Sell, I've never seen Banksy Documentary, but Low End Theory is the best with De La Soul is Dead JUST behind it. But it's hard to compare them because one is a concept album and one is not, depending on if you consider the reoccurring basslines and jazz samples a "concept" more than a theme.

Child safety medicine storage question?

We have to store our medicine in a closet. I use one of those Sterilite 3 drawer storage containers and it sits in the bottom of the closet. I put one of those door knob safety things on it so my son can't get into the closet. He is 2 and so far hasn't got it open, although he hasn't really tried. There is nothing he wants stored in that closet so he has no incentive to try to get in it.

What kind of pictures would you buy for home decor?

I have many dreams. One of them is selling photographs as if they were mushroms. But I understand that I have to have something special to sell. Otherwise people would buy cheap posters

Is it possible to get to washington dc without passing through any states?

The only way I could think of is to fly into dulles international airport or ronald reagan national airport or some of the regional airports in the area

Why people are so stupid?????

in California they vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger because he is Famous but they didn't vote for a educated politician they vote for Ronald Reagan because he is Famous too in Bulgaria they choose firefighter Boyko Borisov because he is very Famous i will never vote for some clown or an idiot what do you think i bet if Brad Pitt want to be president and his opponent is an educated politician they will choose Brad Pitt

Could my hamster be dead or it escaped outside?

When I came home I checked on my hamster but she was missing. She escaped from her cage. I also left my door open, so she can be anywhere. I checked every where in my room,kitchen restroom and all the other room.I left out treats in every single room, and none had been eaten, I checked around for any sign if she could be in the house like poop or pee, or bite marks. And I don't think she can escaped outside because there's no possiabilty that she can, and there's no cracks or anything that she could climb to that would lead her to the outside. the house don't smell bad so she couldn't be dead. I'm kinda confuse, I did every trick on finding her, but nothing. I also checked outside if she could be there, but no clues or anything. Does this make me a bad owner? :[

My neighbor has been disturbing my family?

My neighbor lives across me and has been shouting at us and threatening to call the cops for having our bathroom light on frequently. She says that it is shining at her but I don't think it really is our problem. She now is shining a light at us purposely at night so we can't sleep. She put the light bulb on her window so its pretty obvious. She called the cops last time and had a restraining order on my dad as well as suing him for hitting her when he really didn't. Luckily, the restraining order dropped but we lost the case. Can I do anything so i can sue her or make her stop? Will videotaping or recording her shouting at us through the window and showing it to the police do anything? This is in California by the way.

Which Republican presidential candidate is the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan?

None as of now. I certainly hope the Cons don't spend their time trying to find "another Reagan" and , instead, just focus on presenting a viable candidate that their constituency can rally behind.

Should i go and if so what should i do?

ok there are these really cute girls in my class i happen to really like one of them. And today they asked if i could go to there house to help them with a school project they also invited my best friend. they need help videotaping a commercial for school and they're gonna be in bikinis!!! i myslef have a 6pack but kinda have man boobs so what should i do?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How can I make my bf more comfortable being in the presence of my family?

he is just gunna have to deal with it....or tell ur family if they can move the party to the park and buy mcdonalds lol

Tiny beetle like bugs?

SOO theres these black/ brown bugs in my kitchen and they dont seem to go away with poisin. They are RESLLY REALLY small, sloww moving, and they always seem to die easily. Dont say get posin/ bleach or extemenator or whatever. They almost look like rat droppings but yuo can tell there not when you look close. What do i do?????

Putting rocks in your drinking water?

I believe that it has something to do with taste more than nutrition. It gives it a more natural taste (like out of a river) rather than the filtered/plastic taste.

Am i out of the line, or are they? ?

I recently just moved in with my brother and his girlfriend, bcuz my boyfriend was mistreating me. Anyway I have lived with them before, they are charging me rent $300/mo. Including $25 a week for food. Which is fine, but my brothers girlfriend is always ***** at me about stupid stuff allllll the time it is very annoying! Like for example one night she had asked me when I got home from work to wash off my plate and put it in the dishwasher and start it, I said ok. Well, I got home and she was sitting on the couch I said hi and she just ignored me, I finished eating and went to put my dish in the washer but there was no room so I figure I would just wash it myself put it away and start it no biggie. Well she asked my what I was doing I explained and she got all pissy and started shoving dishes around in the washes just to fit this dish I had already washed. Then my brother calls me the next day while I'm at work and told me I was being too loud last night. I told him it was your girlfriend, and he said she said it was you! Other things she does is one day I forgot to put away the cereal box after I was done with it bcuz I was running late to work and I have to take the bus. She sends me a picture of it and asks me what's wrong with this picture, I'm like seriously just put it away. She get made when I'm in the kitchen bcuz I "leave crumbs" I always wipe up after myself but whatever so I just basically stay in my room unless I have to get ready for work, I've lost ten pound bcuz I don't like to eat around them bcuz I'm afraid she'll ***** about something. So tonight I went out to the kitchen (she's sleeping) I went to open the fridge and she had cut out an article on house rules when you take family members in about helping to clean taking out the trash keep your space tidy and so on. It really pissed me off bcuz one I pay rent I should be able to at least just take care of me and my stuff not the whole house 2 bcuz she just did that to be a ****** and 3 if they want to charge me rent then they should treat me like a renter and stay out of my room I leave them alone they should leave me alone my brother is always saying how I need to make my bed, I'm like I'm paying rent stay out of my room.


Well my parents are Catholic. I rarely, well lets say never go to church. I never read the bible, rarely think of God. I want to read more about Jesus and what the bible states, as I'm not to familiar with it. Can you tell me where I can get a good one, that has everything in it? Online? How much do you think they cost? I feel like I have been selfish these past years, not thinking about god, just life. Have you guys heard about those Russian Scientists who went to Siberia and they discovered the sounds of hell, when they put a microphone down in earth and then it was melted in less than 19 seconds? That is scary! I also read about another statement of a doctor, he was an atheist and he said he revived a patient from death. When he did that, he said he wasn't a believer and the patient was screaming "Save me from hell, pray for me" Doctor: "I'm not because I'm a doctor, not a priest!" Nurse looks at him, Doctor does a prayer to keep the patient and the nurse of his back. The guy starts screaming " Save me Jesus," He does. I think it's real, god and the devil. I saw the devil once, AND I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY, THAT I'M CRAZY, BECAUSE I'm NOT! The reason why I saw him was because I told my mom to **** off, I was so mad that night! I went into my brother's room and the lights were turned off, and the room pitch dark. My brother, or so called devil, or demon was laying on the bed. I could tell there was something wrong because his skin was sooooooooooooooooooo red, I've never have seen a red like that before. I couldn't see my brother's face because his face was on the pillow. I was going to give him a kiss, but instead I turned on the lights. When I did that, there was no one in the room! I ran out screaming, almost crying. Also, I played the ouja bored once, and i can tell you that it works as well. There was stuff that just started happening, noises, in the kitchen WHEN NO ONE WAS THERE! It was a full moon, I did research because I was so curious to see if it worked. If you play on a full moon it's said that all the spirits are out wandering around, if u light a wax candle it makes it even better. I couldn't sleep at night, I was scarred as hell! The worst incident that happened was when I feel asleep, I felt half asleep and I could see my surrounding, WEIRD, anyways I saw something and I could feel a presence coming towards me fast as hell. I couldn't move and I knew it was going to jump on me whatever it was, I SCREAMED SO LOUD THAT I WOKE UP EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE. My dad and everyone where surrounding me and shaking me, it took me a couple of seconds, or minutes to wake up and realize that they were around me. I will never play that game again! I believe in ghosts, devil, got. Science only goes so far and then comes god!

What do you think about this?

a few nights ago I had a dream that I was at home making fish for my pet cats. in the dream I gave them the fish on a plate, they all went to the plate and they started to eat it, then while I was in the kitchen I heard the window shatter in the dining room. I went into the dining room and I seen that santa claus broke in my house, he was trying to steal my stuff and he has his hos with him. then his hos went in the kitchen and started to lick each cats anus. then santa claus did a loud fart that made my whole house shake and blow my house down. then he took me in his sleigh to France and then I got stuck on an airplace with dancing French fries.

Road bike comfort; how to keep from hunching over?

Long question. Short answer. Because that bike has the old style quill stem & if it is already raised to the maximum height - you've done all you can do. See links below. Find out 4 sure if the bike is the right frame size for you by running it past a real bike shop you know & trust. They can tell you.

Quick question! spot the spelling mistake!?

According to my computer's spell check, Aeroplane, Airforce, Monstar, and PaintBrush, are all spelled wrong. I can check out that improper grammar too when you forgot to capitalize that first word after the exclamation point in your question.

What makes some people that go to food pantries and soup kitchen seem so greedy?

I've been out of work for 9 months. Fortunately, I only have myself to support. A friend told me about a food pantry/soup kitchen where free lunches are provided as well as bakery products and sometimes fresh fruits and vegetables. I went to see what the situation was. I was amazed at the quantity of bread and other baked goods that were donated by local stores and specialty shops. I had filled two plastic bags with bread and set them down to look at the produce. When I turned back to pick up the bags of bread, two people were rummaging through them. When I informed them that they were my bags, one said "I don't see your name on them." It just seemed so desperately greedy and grubbing for them to do that when there was still plenty of food still out on the tables for people to take. What kind of mindset is this? Why do you suppose they did this?

President Bush: Why have you always been opposed to stem cell research?

I don't think he is, I believe he is against government funding of stem cell research. If you remember, he didn't ban it, he just didn't allow new government funding.

Do I tell my Parents about my brother drinking?

Being in high school myself, all I can say, is that it is his own life. If the drinking gets bad however, and he starts making very bad decisions, like failing or skipping school, I say tell. But for me, I drink, not like on a weekly basis though, but am still getting good grades. At my school, about 80% of the students drink. Many still do fine, and even one is our school president! In my opinion, it's how it affects him. If it's having a bad effect, then do tell. If he's able to handle it, let him. Because in college, this sort of environment is definitely something to get used to, so why not subject yourself to it now?

Can I trust her to 'change' after cheating?

NO you have NO obligation to be with this little slut. How self-disrespecting is she? You don't want to be associated with such a person. She will be the next 16 and pregnant. She lives up to this saying "once a cheater, always a cheater."

Is there such thing as a cursed Videotape?

Similar from the movie "The ring"? If you watch the video you have 7 days to live, unless you make a copy and show it to someone else?

Are Republicans attempting to Block the United States recession from Recovering faster to Hurt Obama?

First of all. Jimmy carter left office as the country was slidding into a Recession. Unemployment hit double digits in reagans first term. And It took all 4 years before it fell back to below 10%. This is a man, Ronald Reagan, who Most republicans think is the best president of all time. For 1, if he is the best of all time, why do they think someone who is not as good would be able to fix the exact same set of problems, faster? Also, During Reagans first term, Ronald Reagan did not have Democrats Fillabustering everything he did to prevent a recovery. Like Obama, Reagan bailed out the auto industry. When he did this, he had democratic Support. And Republicans praised him for saving the auto industry. This time around Republicans tried to block Obama from Saving GM. They wanted the company to go under. Yet when Reagan was in, they supported him for his efforts, they said " How would it look if this Great american car company goes under, to the rest of the world". That was what was said by the Reagan admin, and he got praise over it. Republicans hate Obama for saving GM. Whats' up with this ? It almost seems like Republicans are willing to try and block anything positive from happening on Obama's watch. When Most of the things he is doing, were done by Reagan and Bush First. And the corporate tax rate under Reagan was 50%!!!

Why do I not want sex as often?

Well, it could be two things. One, you have a naturally low sex drive & once a month is good for you. Two, you could have a medical condition that causes a lack of testosterone. Consult a physician. Do NOT use the over counter or herbal remedies for this issue without having consulted a doctor. They contain ingredients that can cause heart attacks in perfectly healthy individuals of any age. If she is saying once a month is not enough, see the doctor but also investigate ways to pleasure her that don't require an erection, yes they do exist & a lot of times doing them can induce the erection you are having trouble getting.

Bob Parsons, CEO of, killed an elephant in Africa and videotaped it. Do you care?

yes I do care. elephants are amazing animals, have you ever seen them mourn their dead? i duno who this man is but there are other ways of protecting crops. scumbag.

Do you like these names?

I say you put them all together and maybe you could be in The Guinness Book of World Records for baby with the longest name!!

Is it illegal to get videotaped on private property without consent?

A friend of ours bike got double parked. The guy parked like a inch away so when the bike got moved it scratched the car. Anyway the owner of the car sat up a video camera to record this. And is trying to take our friend to court. But He is on private property(an apartment complex) He did not have permission from me or my friend to be videotaped. Also he did not have permission from the apartment management. Can this be used in court? Or do we have the right to file charges against him for recording us?

How's my story so far? any advice?

Wow..I Really Enjoyed Reading This Although You Should Have Put In Description What It Was About Because I Cant Quite Comprehend The Lighting And Energy But Its Nice Format& Use Of Words In Other Words Keep Writing Id Definitely Read It.(:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it legal to secretly videotape nanny?

Is it legal to secretly videotape my nanny in common areas of the house. I would linke to make sure she is not hurting my infant son in any way.

What the hell happened to black people in America?

I read books about blacks, and I find that in the old days, they would die to get an education. Nowadays, going to school, reading, and the urge to learn take a backseat to the two-step, the dougie, and the club. Was it Ronald Reagan's crack epidemic that messed up black people?


Impossible to say from the outline you've given, but be aware that defamation cases are hard to prove and often very unpleasant to pursue. Even if you 'win' you could end up wishing you've never started the case.

Waitress dealing with registered sex offender? Warning: (This is a lengthy question)?

Wow! This creep, at 40, offered you a diamond ring that had belonged to his "alleged" diciest wife when you were only 16, videotaped you, spends all day in this restaurant without ordering anything (but once in a while a coffee otherwise management gives it to him for free), then complains because you didn't wait on him. I noticed some answers to your question suggested "It's your job." BULL$#!+!!!. If anybody needs to complain it's you to corporate management that lower management is catering to a voyeur creep@$$ registered rapist that doesn't buy anything, spends all day there, videotapes you, and scaring the hell out of you and other waitresses. Most, if not all, companies have policies against loitering. This guy is not a customer he is what he is registered as. How much longer will it take before he acts out on his voyeurism (he's done it before)? I suggest notifying the corporate office, at least file a report with the police even-though no crime has been committed (Yet), and find a new job ASAP. Good luck.

Is it legal to make fun of companies such as McDonalds' in a video?

I was thinking about making a YouTube video, so I found this site which gave me a good idea of making commercial/adds about companies. But I was wondering, if I make fun of them in a video and post it on YouTube and they figure it out won't they like track me down and sue me somehow? Is it legal? My idea was doing something like getting a picture of Fat Albert and one of Ronald holding a bomb with burger written on it that I found and having Ronald ask Albert if he wanted a burger. Albert would say like uh... and then Ronald would say something along the lines of come on, your in great shape! It won't hurt you. And then Fat Albert eats it and the McDonalds' sign comes up with I'm lovin' it!

Are my tips being stolen legally?

I work at a restaurant in which all of the tips are put into a single tip jar, then to a single tip pool at the end of the night, to be distributed bi-monthly to the employees based on the amount of hours worked. Is it legal for my employers to keep 100% of these tips to cover drawer shortages? They also had to pay $200 to fix the sink in the kitchen, which is being paid for with tips. Is this legal either? (I live and work in Arizona) I would appreciate more than a "yes" or "talk to a lawyer" if at all possible, maybe links to the actual laws being broken. Thanks!

Which Republican presidential candidate is the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan?

None as of now. I certainly hope the Cons don't spend their time trying to find "another Reagan" and , instead, just focus on presenting a viable candidate that their constituency can rally behind.

Acceptance into the United States Air Force Academy?

Your resume looks amazing! It looks like you don't need to worry about volunteer activities very much now. Just make sure you do well on the SAT and/or ACT, as those are a huge part of the process. Finally, try to nail the CFA and start working on the events involved ASAP. Other than that, you seem to have an extremely good chance of getting in (although I've seen weird things happen to my fellow prep schoolers).

Problem with connect while on

i go to amazon .com then amazon instant video i serach for hell kitchen season 9 and i get a screen that says window cannot connect / check connection . this happens when i try and go anywhere on amazon and only on amazon . any ideas?

Why do I feel like I have no control over my four year old?

I don't mean control maybe that was a bad way to phrase. I guess well she doesn't obey at all. I have a one and four year old daughter. She wakes up 7ish and breakfast is ready. She eats very good. Then she has activities. Reads a book or colors. Sometimes I will allow to watch Nick. So as I tend to my other daughter..change clothes or bathes..which I bathe her sister in the kitchen sink. I have her sister very near by and she always seems to be doing something dangerous. Like getting on top of the couch or chair..trying to reach things that she shouldn't be.. I know she is just a child. And some things I let slide. But for the most of it she understands what she shouldn't do but yet she still does it and constantly. I guess that is where my patience tends to go. I tried the time outs, taking away her toys, talking to her at her level. She will tell me she's sorry and she will behave for like two hours and ten start up again. And I make time for her. I sit down and read to her or we will sing and dance. It's just that I feel like she gets out of hand way to much. Every time I need to wash, cook, every time I am away from her...let it be 5-10 minutes she makes a mess or almost gets hurt with her trying to be mischievous. Ugh what to do. I do not believe in spanking or yelling. I love my baby girls very much. Please give me advice/

I manage an apartment building in los angeles. do we need a building permit for mold remediation?

the contamination is confined to the area under the kitchen sink. only moldy drywall and shelving have to be removed. the framing will stay intact. thanks.

Is it rude to ask for a copy of what our guests videotaped at our wedding?

My husband and I had a set budget for our wedding. We hired a professional photographer, but could not afford to hire a videographer as well. Although we would like to have been able to. I noticed that several people were video taping our wedding that occurred 8 months ago. I was hoping someone would send us a copy as a gift, but no one has. I guess they taped the wedding for their own memories. I would love to see what was taped, but I feel rude asking people. Is it rude to ask? If it were me, I would have sent a copy to the couple, or at least asked if they wanted one; especially knowing their wedding was not video taped. What you ask if it were you? I'm thinking of just asking family so I don't feel so rude.

Help with Sims 3 glitches ?

I've had this game ever since it came out and it's been fine but the other day I downloaded a new hairstyle from the sims 3 official website with the free 'sim points' I got for purchasing the game. Yesterday was the first time I used that hairstyle in the game and in a couple hours of playing time it started to glitch up, one of my sims (The one with the new hairstyle) had their head disappear! I thought ok this will clear up if I give her an action to do such as making her take a bath but no, she still had no head AND she was doing everything in martial arts clothing, bathing, sleeping in them ect. I started playing thismorning again and now theres another problem, both of my sims can't sleep, I task them to sleep but once they get into bed they then sort of jump out and appear at a random spot, the kitchen, garden ect. I have no idea what to do and it's getting really frustrating. I've heard that these downloads can make games glitchy if you download too much (I however have only downloaded 2 things.) but surely from the sims 3 website it should have been ok ? I downloaded 'riverview' when I first got the game off that website and I had no problems .. I'm confused. Please help, I'd love to be able to play this game normally again!!..

What are the federal and Tennessee state laws on video taping others?

Today I was in my hometown in Tennessee and went to my old house, knocked on the door, and asked to see if I could see the inside, he declined in a rude manner, and left without any trouble. I visited an old neighbor on a culdasac behind my old house. They mentioned how weird this man was, but I didn't believe them. Sure enough, as we were leaving, we saw the man in his backyard filming us. He video taped us as we exited, following us for about 130 degrees. It was very clear he was videotaping us specifically. He was in his own yard, and we were never on his property following him declining giving us a tour. Just out of sheer curiousity, what are our rights in this case?

South Carolina - James R. Byers gets LIFE SENTENCE for a $10.00 sell of Crack. Is this Right or Wrong?

I think a life sentence is O.D! because there are rapists, child molesters & murderers out there who only got a few years some even months, Some of those people are free, some are our neighbors! so yeah a life sentence for James is pathetic & it goes to show that the "justice system" doesn't work as it should..

Is it wrong 2 lyk a 30 yr old at 13?

Ok, so my friends dad is 30.. and i hav a HUGE crush on him. evertym im over at ther house, we usually end up goin in tha kitchen 4 midnite snacks cuz we both do that.. and he alwayz makes me icecream and we sit at da table an eat it 2gether.. He is s0 cute, and well should i mak a move? he gives me winks at tyms, and i lyk it.

Should women stick to doing things they are good at like cooking and cleaning?

Instead of trying to do other jobs, they should stick to cooking and cleaning. The kitchen is their home otherwise they are useless. I think so and all almost all men say the same.

Is this a sign of cat love?

hello people of yahoo i just wanted to ask a question ok so here it is. i have a two year old cat his name is bogie pronounced (bow-GIE) is this a sign of affection from him ok this morning i was sitting at the kitchen table saying good morning to him and he stood on his hind legs and put one paw on my leg and with the other paw he reached up to my face and pulled my face closer to him then rubbed hid head on face. is this a sign of love for me? just letting you know he is de-clawed so his paws were soft not scratching me. and this is the first time he's ever done this so ya tell me what you think

How to deal with my horrible mother?

So my mother complains all the time that she does not have anyone to take care of her and pamper atleast one whole day (since my parents are divorced she gets very lonely). So I decided to cook for her and give her a break from the kitchen for today and start cooking. To be honest I hate the kitchen and I hate to cook but I somehow bring myself to do it. So I start...and since I dont cook too often I happen to take longer than what she would take to cook the same thing..Obviously. So just when I'm about done, she yells from the bedroom (where is is just lazing around) if I'm planning on providing her with breakfast or dinner because I'm taking so long! I'm like I'm done, here it is. She is so unhappy and starts eating and complaining about how long I took to make it and how I am so slow and how I still have to learn to do things right and how I'm incapable of providing her a happy breakfast etc...etc. At this point my blood is boiling....On top of making her breakfast and trying to do something nice, this ***** wants to complain on how I could not do it according to her standards! I just want to scream and say SCREW YOU *****, YOU DESERVE NOTHING! But instead I control my temper and tell her to stop nagging for which she explodes like a latent volcano and starts yelling at me and throwing stuff and acting like a psychotic poodle! I try to reason with her and tell her to calm down and she slaps me!!!!!!! At this point I lose my temper and start yelling too (I really wanted to slap her back but obviously I can't slap my mom). She tells me I'm a ***** and needs to be treated like one and she will make sure she will put me in my place blah blah...She says this was the reason my dad does not like me. WOW. I mean really?? My dad (another son of a gun) din't care about her and left her and because i was closer to her left me too) but to bring this on me like this and that too for what..trying to make her bloody breakfast??!! I had to remind her that he left her too and not just me. Now she is not talking to me and still is fuming and calling me names. So who is or her? What should I do? I do not want to live with this devil of a woman anymore. Any ideas?

Combination name of ronald and may ann for baby boy and girl. thank you!?

Hi! can you help me to get a cute name for baby boy and baby girl, i want to get the names from the combination of my name and my husbands name. I'm May Ann and my husband is Ronald. Thank you for your suggestion!!!

Do you think Italians are sick of Silvio Berlusconi and the conservatives' mismanagement of Italy's economy?

Perhaps you will enlighten us all and tell us what nations are financially sound today. Hint: damn few.

Could you suggest some Japanese dishes I can cook?

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Can I use a governmental address video without permission?

I am making a documentary about the Cold War and would like to use one of Ronald Reagan's speeches as a part of it. Do I need permission from the government to use this video or is it free to use?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is a DVD camcorder vs a mini DV camcorder?

I am thinking of getting a camcorder but I would like to know the difference. I am wanting one to take and edit videos with and once I buy one I would like to go in the dirrection on which has the cheaper supplies needed to videotape. Thanks

I need a CRAZY april fools joke!?

Okay so tonight, sometime around 4, or 5, I'm going to my friends house with my 3 best friends. So there's gonna be 4 of us. But 2 of them are gonna play a prank on me, so me and the other girl reallllyyy wanna get them back bad. We need something SO crazy. none of the stupid ones of hear of so far, like the toilet one, or whatever. but it has to be doable, as we are only 15. We're gonna videotape it for facebook too! thanks guys ( :

My Samsung Handycam HD is blurry! Please Help!!?

I got the Samsung Handycam for christmas 2010. So May 19 2011, I videotape my brother throwing a water baloon at his face. But heres the catch, i was far away when i recorded it, so it didnt get wet. i felt it, it was dry. So about... 1 hour later i turn on my camera to work on a youtube video, but IT WAS ALL BLURRY! WTF!?! I tried to put it on auto focus, still blurry. i wiped the lens, still blurry. and when i start the camera it shows the start up screen for 1 minute, then it shows me my blurry view. when i zoom in half way it unblurs. but not really as clear. please help! i dont know what i can do for you, but ill work it out!

Will my car last after shop forgot oil after an oil change and drove it 14 miles?

The main job of engine oil is to get the heat out of the core of the engine & into the coolant jacket that's around the engine. The bearings can melt without oil, but there won't be any major malfunction for awhile. And, whatever they say they 'will' do - GET IT IN WRITING....

Where can I get these videogames like fighting Ronald Mc Donald vs. Burger King?

I saw videos on the Tube of different video games where ou can be anyone like Captain Caveman vs Homer Simpson or Fred Flintstone vs Popeye. Where are these games at?

Why did Ronald Reagan stop the operation to kill Muammar Gaddafi in 1986?

Reagan ordered air strikes in Tripoli following the Gaddafi sanctioned bombing of a Berlin discoteque ten days earlier, in which two American military personnel were killed and more than fifty American soldiers and marines were injured.

Know any 2 ingrediants that can become a poison when added together?

Bleach + ammonia does not liberate elemental chlorine; it makes chloramine (NH₂Cl) instead. This does not mean that it's OK to do! Chloramine can still cause health problems, though it still would not fit what you need for your story. Ammonia and bleach are definitely not harmless to people.

My dog chatters his teeth what does that mean?

Its normal and not grose my dog does that to its cause hes trying to get his teeth to inhale or infreshen the mouth also he may have got little hairs or something he had down there in his mouth

Pagans: have you read this? Is it worth buying?

I haven't read it, but IIRC there was some discussion of it over on the Amber & Jet mailing list. If you aren't a member, you'll need to join to check the archives.

Isn't it funny how Obama is the first president in a VERY long time w/o executive experience?

True, Obama had no executive experience. But, 'experience' is not worth anything if the person is incompetent. Owing a business doesn't mean much when they all go bankrupt.

Ahmedinejad and Chavez say OBL lives in Washington DC area and is CIA agent. Is that true?

Ahmedinejad of Iran and Chavez of Venezuela say OBL lives in the washington area with another identity and that in reality he is CIA agent and that 9-11 was inside job. They further say that OBL and Bush are business partners and have family friendship dating to 1980's. Per their accounts OBL was hired as CIA agent to be the villian of a scripted plan for 9/11. OBL agreed to be portrayed as villian in exchange for large amount of money. Then after 9/11 US government said they found video tape where OBL is speaking of how he orchestrated 9/11 and how he made fun of the 9/11 hijackers. They say that videotape was part of the script too and all the people in that tape were just acting. And now to close the chapter they faked OBL death to relieve him of further role play of villian. The script said that the end will be as "sea burial". And it neatly wraps everything up.

Did 2pac and other 90s rappers (by extension, black people in general) hate Koreans?

Uh, no black ppl don't hate u guys, not at all. I'm black when blk ppl r together we don't tlk about Koreans or anyone except white ppl because they r so evil to us. ( not all of them) we don't hate any race, I think only white ppl are the ones who hate races simply for existing? ( using history and my skin color as my source for that statement) We hate what has been done and is being done to us, not any particular race, just cause. Koreans don't do anything to us so we have no qualms w them. As for the rappers idk, I don't and never have listened to rap and I don't know what they mean. Sorry, but as a black person I can say we don't have any probes w u guys, your beautiful people!

Am I A Paranoid Schizophrenic?

I've been odd for quite some time. I'm asking this question with a different e-mail address that I've never used before because I'm afraid that everyone I've e-mailed with my other one will read this and think badly of me. Every night I close the blinds because I'm afraid that people are looking at me. I'd close them during the day but my stepdad won't let me. Plus if they were during the day, I could see them and then close it. I can't comfortably sit down at night unless the blinds are closed. When I take a shower, I never turn on the light directly above the shower because I don't want the people outside to know that the shower is being used because I'm afraid they'll come to the window thing above and watch me. I've found myself sometimes clinging to the wall because I think I'm being videotaped in the shower and I'll peak over and glare at the window to let the people know I'm watching them so I can hopefully scare them away. When I go to the bathroom, I have to check behind the shower curtain to make sure no one is there. If the curtain isn't closed, I have to close it because I'm afraid people will watch me still. Sometimes I'm afraid my old boss is following me and that when I talk about her, she's listening to me and will get very mad. When she talked to the other employees in her native language, I always thought she was talking about me. When I go out in public and there are large crowds, especially when they're rambunctious, I'm afraid to think because I think they can hear my thoughts. If they laugh, I think it's because they've heard what I said and are laughing at me. There have been 2 instances in the past where I'm sure that there's a serial killer on his way to kill me. One time I slept with my BB gun under my pillow just in case. Sometimes I think my stepdad gave my mom and his first wife cancer and that if my mom dies, he'll hurt me. I think that the only reason he hasn't hurt me yet is because she's still here to protect me. When I was much younger, I held a knife to my sister's throat and threatened to kill her. When it's dark and I'm going into the garage, I freeze and look into the car to make sure there's not someone in there waiting to strike at me. I'll think "shut up" or "leave" as if I'm communicating with them telepathically. I'll hold my hand out while running inside the house, slamming the door shut. If I feel like I'm not alone, I'll open the door and push the air into the garage, as if I was pushing someone out. I always feel like there's a spirit behind me judging my every move. I believe we communicate telepathically because he won't talk to me. On about 3 occassions, I've felt a tap on my shoulder. Several times (but spread far apart) I've heard my name like it was said directly into my ear but there's no one around. Sometimes I'll hear someone say something but it's so short, I can't remember what it was. But again, I rarely hear things that aren't there. But I still feel like I can communicate with this guy that follows me around even though I can't see him. When I stay up late, I always go to bed by a certain time because I'm convinced my stepdad will come out of his room and yell at me. I'm 22 so it's not like I'm not allowed to stay up. I always think he hates me and that he wants to hit me but can't. Sometimes when I lie awake at night, I make sure I don't look at my closet because I think there might be a serial killer in there and if I don't let him know that I know he's there, he'll leave. I don't sleep on my back because I don't want to entice the serial killer to kill me because that's how I'd lie in a coffin. I'm convinced that I'm supposed to die by the time I'm 30 and I've attempted suicide 12 times. I burned a part of my arm once because that's what the character did on Girl, Interrupted and I felt that I needed to be like her. I'm very delusional. I'm convinced that I'm going to be famous and I'll get angry at anyone that threatens my delusions and I'll think they hate me and are just out to destroy my future. I'm afraid to check for the mail more than once a day because I think that my neighbors are waiting by their window to watch me and that they'll think I'm crazy for going out more than once. If I'm walking to someone's house, I'll make sure they think I've walked past their house then awkwardly move up towards the front walkway and ring the doorbell. I'll never stand in front of the door because I'm afraid they'll watch me through the peephole. One time I saw a bunch of papers fall from my drafting table. I know I saw that. Then I looked back and they never moved. Another time, I know I saw a big brown furry thi

Are there any great cooking mangas with recipes?

I've read Kitchen Princess and Addicted to curry; I love how detailed the recipes are! I've read part of Bambino! and its not instructive in the least so please don't recommend it. Thanks!

We broke up but this happened and cant stop thinking about it?

Ok, its a long story but to cut it short, he is my first boyfriend,im 21. He cheated and we broke up,stopped talking alot of tension. Its been about 1month, saw him at Walmart, we just stared at each other. Wasnt expecting that. Went over to his house to settle and bury the drama.We got emotional Ended up making out rubbing and touching each other on the counter in his kitchen but I stopped it. (that happened after the fact he cheated,1 month went by of us not talking or seeing each other) ( actually happened yesterday :P )Im a virgin 100% waiting till marriage but he went out and cheated and I didnt find out till I went through his phone and NOW this happened? What should we do? He my first real boyfriend, I mean he was the sweetest guy ever. The best dates :( I must admit I miss his kisses,hugs,late night talks. I dont want it to be awkward because we go to the same college and most likely see him everyday :(

On purpose, or coincidental?

So basically yesterday I took this video of my ex-best friends boyfriend, saying that he was gay. Of course it was a joke, so I put it up on fb.(i don't like her at all, i don't know how she feels towards me) But today, she took a video of this guy I used to like saying the same thing. I used my iPod, so did she. She videotaped it after school on the bus, so did I. Then in a photo I tagged my friend's boobs. weird right? well they were kinda out there -____- then she did the same thing, but on a different photo. I need another opinion, on purpose or coincidental?

Why do blacks usually support the democrat party?

Democrats have historically been poison for anyone trying to take the initiative to better their own lives.

How do i get the water to stop?

Ok so I have a leaking kitchen pipe which is the source to the cold sink tap. It's got worse the past couple of days and filling a large bucket every couple of hours. I've turned off the mains water and every tap is running dry except this one?? I can't afford to get the leak repaired right away so would like to be able to cut the water flow off to stop anymore damage occurring, There are no valves under the sink to turn the water off so I really don't know what else to do. I have a very large water tank but I have kept this tap on for days trying to dry it out with no success?? I'm losing a lot of water doing this so should i turn the tap off? And how do I get the flow to stop? I'm really confused as the one tap can't be sourced from somewhere else can it? Please help i'm going through towels pretty quickly!!

Period Cramp remedies?

Being active before your period helps to prevent some cramping. Exercise and stretch during the cramping even though it hurts if you keep moving the pain will ease. I take advil or ibuprofen usually 600mg but check with your doctor. I've also heard that drinking milk helps before and during. Drink a lot of water and avoid salty foods (I know all you want to eat is salt on you period but they contribute to the cramps) Hot baths help too. Kind of good news as you get older cramps are less painful.

What is sex, footballers, and videotapes?

I heard that frank lampard was is it? im not interested in watching it, but i just wanted to know what it was about. lol

Do u think that "The Ring 2 " is TRUE? HELP ME?

Okay. I saw that movie. So Samara really so scary. So She really live in Chinese or other? Most people say that "Yes. It real. if u have videotape? Then u watch and u should call to phone and ghost come to your house and die" ? I don't know yet..

Stomach cramps passing out?

Hi everyone. A friend of mine has a problem I am hoping we may be able to shed some light on here. I am reposting from her Facebook post. My young daughter has been having belly cramps for over two weeks now and pains in her chest...then sunday morning she woke up with diarrhea and I heard her scream like she had never ever before...ran to the kitchen and she screaming she could not see, (the pupils in her eyes were all the way dilated) I grabbed her up and she went limp on me (passed out) she had never done that before...they did E.K.G , blood work, xrays,and a cat scan of her brain..everything is coming back negative.......anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your input

When will they start listening?

I don't know exactly how you feel, but I'm pretty much in the same spot. I had 4 kids in 5 years and all of them are big trouble makers. My husband is in the army and hasn't been here for the last nine months. My kids are now 7,5,3,2. It seems that they start being a little better behaved around four years old but starts to get a lot better by five. I still have some issues with behavior though, it feels like they run circles around me sometimes. The key is consistent discipline while they are younger, even if you have to stop what you are doing, or leave a store to accomplish it. When they get older you have heart felt discussions about how their behavior effects you. They will get to the point where they empathize and want to help. My oldest will say, "Mom I know the girls are being bad and you are getting frustrated, what do you want me to do to help?" She is such a sweetheart now, but it is due to the fact that she has learned I don't put up with her crap, and many heart to heart talks. She used to be the worst of all. Oh the stories I could tell. I know it seems sometimes like there is no light at the end of the tunnel when it is 24/7. Keep your head up and fight the good fight. It'll be worth it. Another tip I have is get them involved in the cleaning up. I tell my kids if they can't behave they must need a chore to keep them busy. Even the little ones like taking a wet rag and wiping down the walls. I know yours are still little but they can do something to help mama out. Also I would like to add that they are not too young for discipline. I always start my kids when they are 18 months to two years old. The older they are the harder they are to fight. Let them know who is in charge.

Is it normal to have anxiety from watching a videotape of yourself?

I have a problem. I have huge anxiety when it comes to watching myself on video. I was watching my wedding video and I felt so much anxiety watching it, it made me physically ill to the point where I threw up. I know this sounds weird. I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them or of anyone else. I feel anxious being the center of attention. I was over my parents watching the video for the first time with them and my husband.

17 And Still Being Treated Like A Kid?

As much as you may not want to hear it, the truth is your still a minor and you still live under there roof. Parents love their kids and want to keep them safe. One day when you have your own kids to look after you will understand why our parents did the things they did. You only have a year left until your 18. For now show them your an adult and that you understand why they have these rules. They do it because they love you, even though it may feel like they are trying to keep you a kid forever and show you no respect. There truly is a reason for it. Be patient.

Is my little brother choto crazy?

my little brother choto, is obese and has problems. he steals food from the kitchen , and goes into frantic rants about nonsense. he is 11 years old and probably crazy. what do you think?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Topless dancing....??

My friends wants to try topless dancing for one time. Im kinda worried about her. She said that when she is dancing, customers wont be able to touch her or take pictures,videotape, etc. Is that true? What others rules are there that i should know about? It might vary by state, but whats the general/common rules or the rules of your area?i know its not a good thing, but i cant stop her. I just wanna know the ground laws

Who would I have to contact to assist the boy who was stripped in public by three girls in Florida?

Did he not know the girls, minding his own business, and got attacked for no reason. Or did they all hang together, prank each other from time to time, and this went a little to far. Those scenarios make a big difference. I'm not going to assume we know all the facts. The fact Mom won't press charges, and the Police called it a prank, suggest there is more to it than we know.

How do you handle dry ice properly/?

I know you need gloves to handle it but should the gloves be really thick rubber gloves or would kitchen sink gloves work. Also what would you do if you got a small chunk on your finge would you put it under warm water or just plain water and

Why did Republicans joke about shooting feral pigs from helicopters to solve the immigration problem?

In Kansas this week, a Republican legislator jokes about “taking care of the state’s illegal immigrant problem” by expanding the state’s program of shooting feral pigs from helicopters. While Republican’s in Wisconsin eliminate state employees’ right to collectively bargain, a right that the Republican’s patron saint President Ronald Reagan called a fundamental right.

"No I won't go out with you, I hate you, you stupid little Neek!" - Explain please?

I don't know how old you are.. but 99.9% of the time that answer means exactly what it sounds like. I don't think she wants to go out with you dude. I'm sorry.

How do I stop my boy drinking turps and paint thinner?

I am a single dad bringing up a 7 year old (Adam). My wife left us last month but we are making the most out of a terrible situation. One thing that has occured is I caught Adam drinking chemicals from under the kitchen sink, toilet bleach and other cleaners. He said that it tasted like alcohol we give him at Chritsmas time. He begs me every day to buy him more but I keep telling him that he might get sick or food poisoning. To cut a long story shorter in the last week he has been sipping turps and paint thinner from the garden shed. I bought him two bottles of industrial paint thinner as the smell is unbearable and am hoping the smell puts him off but he still keeps taking sips. I do not know what to do but hope he will see sense and can ween him off it. Right now he has stomach pains and eye and headaches. I think the smell is getting to him.

What to wear to a kitchen porter trial?

Tomorrow I have a kitchen porter trial to see if I am good for the job. The problem is that I don't know what to wear. The job is at a fancy hotel so I don't want to go under dressed nor do I want to go over dressed. I am a 18 year old male.

Can I get Food-stamps of my own when I move out of my insane mother's house?

I am a 20 year old woman in California and I currently live with my mom who gets Food Stamps for me. I am going to be moving in with my fiancee as soon as Fall semester starts for College because my mother and I don't get along. I was wondering if once I move out, will I be able to get Food-stamps for myself and what will happen to the Food-stamps my mother is now receiving for me? I am also worried that she will be angry with me once she is not receiving any financial support from me anymore. She gets enough money for disability for both her and my disabled sister, yet she is very careless with the way she spends the Food-stamps and her own money. She is in debt which is her fault but I just cannot live with her anymore even if that means she is going to have to suffer financially. I feel bad, but I have no choice, and I am bound to leave her anyways once I am married, have children and start my own career. She is just SO controlling and anytime I leave with my fiancee and spend the night at his place she throws a fit and tells me that I am ruining my reputation because the neighbors will think we are engaging in intercourse out of wedlock which is really none of her business and this is 2011, not 1911 but she is EXTREMELY religious and judgmental. She also has the potential to become very angry to the point where she becomes violent and a danger to others. She has in the past proven to be with me and others. She accuses me of being a whore, a lesbian, unfaithful, a satanist, mentally ill, and abusive which none of these accusations are at all true. She also performs unwanted "exorcisms" (Or so I'd like to call them) on me. I will be in the kitchen or anywhere and she will out of nowhere grab me by my arm and scream in my face for the devil to come out, and put praying oil on me. It is very scary and it disturbs me very much. I believe in God, and I am a Christian but I am not crazy religious like THAT. I'm getting sick of her constantly putting me down....I don't have the devil in me and I am a good person. I am never disrespectful to her even though she says I am but only because I don't let her control me and I visit my fiancee which I have the freedom to do. She has threatened to call the cops on him if she sees him around even though he has never done anything wrong to her. The only thing is because his step-mom and my mother got into an argument over the phone after he picked me up and took me to his place for Easter. My mother threatened to harm them if they did not bring me back so they agreed to take me back for their safety which I understand. But, my plans with my love and his family were ruined. She is not as aggressive anymore when I leave to go see him but she is unpredictable, especially because she is schizophrenic (literally) What do I do? Please help. :(

Is han Solo from starwars gay?

I mean think about it. I know him and Leia kissed and stuff, but thats just cause Luke wasn't putting out. I know that Luke is her brother. But like she could have used a light sabre to do the job. I think that Han was having sex with Chewy and Lando probably videotaped it. Just a thought?

Atheists & Freethinkers: Should *ALL* types of behaviors between consenting adults be legal?

It's pretty obvious that some sexual practices (such as the things you've described) are done by people who are not completely 'compos mentis'. Where there's a clear imbalance of power (such as you describe, where a 60-something is brutalizing young girls in their late teens), then someone needs to step in. Sometimes people need protecting from themselves, because 'they know not what they do'. It's evident (to me, anyway) that some sexual behaviours are the result of underlying mental/emotional health problems. Seriously, what sane person wants to be hurt, abused, or maimed or do those things to others for a sexual thrill?

Why does it keep turning?

i have a fancy dining room in my house that we never use like never. it just sits there and looks good. the ceiling and walls are white. the rest of the house is darker shades of grey. well the ceiling in the room keeps turning yellow!!!!!!!!! i had my hubby paint it and a few months later the white went to yellow like someone snuck in with a yellow paint brush and painted it in the middle of the night!!! i dont smoke in that room very much. i smoke in my office down the hall and in the living room and the kitchen and my bedroom but not in that room only when im walking thru it. what do you think the cause is and how can i prevent it????????????? i want white!!!

Was Ronald Reagan's left nut sack bigger than FDR's, Teddy Roosevelt's, and Andrew Jackson's put together?

Ronald Reagan is responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Men ,Women , and Children throughout Latin America. I wish fox news would let you guys know that.

Who are not boxing Hall of Famers?

I don't think Tarver belongs there, definitely not Buster Douglas, and i strongly disagree with whoever said Winky Wright isn't hall of fame material. Winky is one of the best defensive fighters ever. His arms from elbow to fist were long enough to protect him from waistband to chin in a high guard, and he would make you pay on the counter for sure. I think he was one of the best junior middleweights ever. One win over Trinidad, Two over Mosley to make him the first undisputed champ in 29 years in that division. His record stands at 51-5-1 (25KO). Yeah Winky caught his breaks late in his career but if he isn't hall of fame material then i guess i dont know what is.

How can i make my chem project more interesting?

My project is just to put red cabbage juice into various liquids. How can I make it more creative or interesting or funny? I'm supposed to videotape it. Please help and thank you if you answer! I can't intentionally curse by the way :(

Who was the three best and three worst presidents of the usa?

in my opinion the three best were (1) george washington(2)thomas jefferson(3)ronald reagan_ in my opinion the worst were (1)abraham lincoln(2)john f. kennedy(3)barack obama

What Harry Potter characters do you like best?

I like the good characters and some bad. But Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasly, Albus Dumbledorb, Dobby, etc. And the only one bad, Bellatrix Lestrange. I think she is funny.

Would this be a case of official oppression and assault?

What did the Grand Jury say? "Late Tuesday, the grand jury handed down an indictment charging him with official oppression, a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail, and assault, a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine."

How Do I View Videotape From a Traffic Stop?

I went to the city court where my ticket is pending to view video tape that one of the officers said I could view if I came by and then I was told by someone working there that I had to fill out paperwork to view the videotape. I asked if I could get the paperwork to fill out and she told me no? Scratching my head I asked what the paperwork was and she told me should couldn't tell me what paperwork. I'm and both very irritated and confused. Does anyone know what paperwork I would need to fill out or submit to view videotape of my traffic stop?

Do you know a super strong Roach Killer?

A month ago I started to notice them then more..and more...Now I stay up or get up 3 times a night to spray my kitchen and bathroom and clean. What is the strongest stuff I can buy without a license...or home remidies that work.

We booked a holiday with teletext direct, they double booked our hotel. Where do we stand?

We booked a all inclusive one bed apartment with the use of the hotel facilities (which is next door). So we had the best of both. An apartment with kitchen facilities and seperate bedroom. There was 3 bars with the last closing at 2am and it was in a good area. They now want to move the 3 of us to a studio, no kitchen facilities. Its on a hill, 800m downhill to the beach. :( and the bar closes at 11pm. We have told them were not happy so they will contact overseas and ring us back. What can we do???

Was this employee at Mcdonald's really rude?

So here's what happened. I went to this Mcdonald's which has a buffet and you can actually order if something isn't on the buffet. And I didnt see any Big Mac or Cheeseburger on the buffet line so I went to another line where you special order food and I asked the guy for a Big Mac and he gave me a weird look and breathed hard and he said: "here!" and I opened the Big Mac and it looked all squished and I said to him: "This doesnt look fresh. Can I just order a cheeseburger?" Make that 2 cheeseburgers actually. They arent on the buffet either." and he said in a impatient sarcastic way: "Jez so now you want me to make you a cheeseburger? Thats alot of work for us!! Just because you dont want a big mac!" and I shrugged and he just went in the back of the kitchen and was making it and cussing to himself: "F*CKING MORON!" And before he brought the cheeseburger out, I saw him in the back spit in it and put something nasty in it!" but I was afraid to say anything to him so I took it and threw it out after I got it. What should I have done here? Was this employee really rude?!

Problem with kitchen utensils for people with arthritis?

Hi everyone! Im an A level student currently studying Design Technology at school. my problem which i have chosen to investigate and resolve is kitchen utensils for people with Arthritis. i have already been looking and asking around however need more help and advice regarding which utensils people with arthritis struggle to use the most, or what needs to be invented (perhaps a new utensil in itself) please help me and post any ideas whether you have a form of arthritis or not, comments and ideas would be gratefully appreciated! Thanks

A poem about my babby. will you read it?

You sound suspiciously like someone I know....? Is that you or not? And if it ISN'T you, then why didn't you tell me? I demand to know! (Poem - funny!)

I am in desperate need of a job after 2 years without permanent work but why will no one will give me a chance?

Well I haven't got any advice but don't feel too down there are loads of people in the same boat. I went to uni for 5 years and did a specialist degree, got a job in my subject for 4 years the recession meant I was let go. Salary of �44k to �65 a week jsa and been made bankrupt. There are no jobs in my career and no other job will touch me because of my experience unemployed for nearly a year. You are not alone good luck.

When will Harry Potter die?

He'll never die cause he's to beast for you. Last time i recalled, your gonna die.(; Get a life, haha.

Spying on my neighbor, strange things in the garden, cats missing.?

DO NOT GO IN HIS house he will rape you or chop your head off tell your mum and his most likely experimenting something maybe its all a coincidence?

My friend's roommate is robbing people and causing car crashes?

Most cities counties or states have a crime stoppers program and you can report tips anonymously try and find that number. Your friend is putting his life and everyone's life in danger and this will not stop until something is done about it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What do you think of these baby names???

I like Renee much better as a middle name. Seraphina Rose is alright. I love Mitchell Nikolas! I don't like Ronald. Save Ronald for a middle name.

Is it the poor people who are the Entitlement Generation or the rich people?

why cant they do anything for themselves? why can't "they", in the inner cities, and you know who I mean by "they", get off their butt and find a job? isntead they're on welfare, taking advantage of tax dollars from hard working Republicans who have jobs. hmmm what do they use that welfare money for? drugs, of course. i think its a perfect example of how LIBERALISM = FAILURE

What to use to clean built up grease on kitchen cabinets?

We have a wall cabinet over a microwave which is over the stove that has a build up of grease. I have tried 409 and Simple Green and neither seemed to work. Perhaps I could have rubbed harder and longer but I was afraid of ruining the finish on the cabinet. Does anyone know of a product that will cut through the grease and not mess up the finish?

How much would it cost me to live a lone?

I'm 18 and starting college this fall and I'm planning to move out. I was looking at housing in the area where my college is located at and I found some lofts that would cost $400 including utilities along with internet and cable. It's a private room but bathroom and kitchen are shared which I don't mind but it depends on the people I would be sharing it with. I have $3,000 saved that would last 7 months just for rent. It's a 17 minute bike ride to the school so I don't have to worry about buying a car/gas. I never really looked at how much food would cost because I never had to pay for my own food. How much would a college student spend on food? When I get a job I'm thinking I would only work 10-15 hours. I know how to cook simple things like eggs, pancakes, steak, chicken, rice, spaghetti etc..

Ronald Ross Murder by Neil Wardrope? 1965? how to find new archives?

As I recall, there was a documentary made of this crime, and was shown in North America on either Discovery, or History channel, and you may be able to track it through them.

Is it possible to get to washington dc without passing through any states?

The only way I could think of is to fly into dulles international airport or ronald reagan national airport or some of the regional airports in the area

Good evening Brits, How y`all explain how Ronald Reagan a B movie failure, and geriatric Daffy duck admirer,?

Nancy was well hidden on the video. He looked as if he was walking and talking all by himself without her hand up his a--e.

Tiny black bugs in kitchen wont go away?

Theres these tiny black fea/ beetle looking bugs in the kitchen. It almost looks like rat crap, but theyere bugs, and they seem to die before they ever get anywhere. No matter what we do we cant get rid of them. My moms tried bleach/ flea poisin/ bug poisin. Theyre gross and annoy ing and i dont know what to do! help?

How strict do the skippers on Jaws at Universal Studios Florida get about photography/videotaping?

I have a Power Pass Annual Pass to Universal Orlando and have been going there for 14 years. On Jaws at USF, I know the Skipper says at load that "there is to be no photography or videotaping. Please put your cameras away because this is a water ride and you will get wet", but how strict do most Skippers actually get during the ride if someone is videotaping or taking pictures? Most times I've been on the ride, people filmed and photographed and the Skipper didn't seem to care, but the last time I rode (in May 2011) the Skipper was strict and stopped the ride a couple times to scold people. I also know on the Universal Studios fan site I'm a member of, a JAWS Skipper said that Universal told the Skippers to be extremely strict about photography/videotaping starting in May 2007, but I have been on the ride hundreds of times since then and people filmed without issue from the Skipper, except for the last time. But, how strict do most Skippers get on the ride?

Is this fair of my boyfriend? Question about "fantasies"?

Alright, so I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years and I really would like to try out role play in the bedroom (like nurse, maid, slave) because I think it would be a fun twist in our relationship. I also have fantasies of light bondage and a variety of other one on one fantasies. However, my boyfriend says the only fantasy he has is a threesome, which he knows I am terribly uncomfortable with, and every time I bring up my fantasy he says something along the lines of "so we can do your fantasy but not mine?" and I reply with "well, I'm willing to try your fantasies as long as they only involve the two of us." And he always says "So you are the one who gets to set the rules then?" Honestly, I don't think role play sex and a threesome are comparable with each other and it really ticks me off that he tries to compare them. Am I just being one sided? Are fantasies all equal? I mean, I even would be fine with just videotaping us, but of course it always comes down to "well that is your fantasy, what about mine?" I've told him a million times that if we ever had a threesome that would be the last time he had sex with me because I just couldn't view our relationship the same way afterward. It really upsets me that he tries to use his want to have sex with another person and me as a reason why we shouldn't''t do stuff that just involves the two of us. Bringing a third person in is too far (guy or girl) in my opinion. Personally I think bringing another person into the mix is a step too far, especially when I know (even if I wanted it - not that I do) he would never have a guyxgirlxguy 3-some, only Guyxgirlxgirl. Your thoughts?

Why are so many people now against the mcdonalds mascot ronald mcdonald and the toys?

Because the meat isn't real meat the plastic in the toys is mOst likely something not plastic and Ronald is a douch

Do you miss Ronald Reagan, the best president of the United States?

Yes, I do and he was great. I remember the economy in his 1st year and how MUCH better it became several years later.

Why do anti-govt/free-market people demand that govt creaate jobs for them. I thought the free markets did tha?

Because your confusing people like Reagan with actual anti-government and free market people. People like Reagan pay lip service to government is bad but then build up government like no other.

How do I stop my little boy drinking tups/paint thinner?

I am a single dad bringing up a 7 year old (Adam). My wife left us last month but we are making the most out of a terrible situation. One thing that has occured is I caught Adam drinking chemicals from under the kitchen sink, toilet bleach and other cleaners. He said that it tasted like alcohol we give him at Chritsmas time. He begs me every day to buy him more but I keep telling him that he might get sick or food poisoning. To cut a long story shorter in the last week he has been sipping turps and paint thinner from the garden shed. I bought him two bottles of industrial paint thinner as the smell is unbearable and am hoping the smell puts him off but he still keeps taking sips. I do not know what to do but hope he will see sense and can ween him off it. Right now he has stomach pains and eye and headaches. I think the smell is getting to him.

Can you answer this riddle?

A man walked backward from the front door of his house to his kitchen. Someone rang the doorbell and the man ran quickly out of his back door. Why?

Why can't Republicans admit Obama is handling illegal immigration better than their standard bearer Reagan?

Most agree with that but the point is irrelevant. This is today, the issues need to be addressed for today and not for forty years ago. Let's stop trying to point fingers and address the problems rationally. The dream act and amnesty would be a far greater disaster today than they were then due to changing conditions. Why don't you admit that?

Question about Osama videotapes being shown in US for last 10 years?

The whole video tape story has holes in it. As we know the video tapes of OBL are the only proof shown to public that Osama is tied to 9/11. My question is notice how easily and how conveniently the US government was able to get Osama home made video tapes regularly while being so tough to track him down for 10 whole years. So they can get his home made physical video tape so easily but don't know where he is for 10 whole years? I sense some staged propaganda here. How did US get Osama home made video tapes one after the other? He obviously could not send it by mail -- too easy to get captured or caught. They say his agents handed the tapes to Aljazeera every 2 months or so. If that's the case, why weren't US military circling and surrounding Aljazeera station, knowing an AQ man will come to hand deliver the tape? Do note none of Bin Laden videos were uploaded to internet by himself. They were video tapes that were first handed to Al-jazeera or were directly handed to CIA? The biggest shocking part is now they say that it was an Osama courier or delivery person who led to being OBL located. So for 10 years the courier kept delivering tape after tape to al-jazeera and he was never used to locate OBL? This story again has holes and it doesn't add up

Martha Stewart's Strawberry Cupcake Recipe...?

I was wondering if anyone has ever made these cupcakes and can tell me how many the recipe makes. Also, for the butter cream frosting does anyone have any tips how how to make it with out a kitchen-aid mixer? Thanks.

What are Police Officers Taught about Officer safety and policy issues concerning Being Video recorded on Duty?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is there a worse bully than Gordon Ramsey ...?

if i was a cook in his kitchen... i would rather hang myself than take those insults to face. im serious.. that guy needs to learn some respect !!

Why is she making eye contact with me's like she's trying to drag me along on the side?

it sounds like she's comparing herself to the 3 guys and testing if she's more attractive than them.

None of her friends treat her right?

My friend found out 3 weeks ago she has a tumor in her kidney. She only told me and not her other friends. Her other friends do things like when they get the mail they leave hers in the mailbox and don't bring hers back for her. They also eat her food and leave the kitchen a mess for her to clean up. They don't even know she's sick and I don't think they would care anyways. Some days she can't even get out of bed. She has surgery next month. I feel bad but her friends are jerks and they just don't care and she deserves to be treated better. Is there anything I can do really?

What can I do about neighbors are harassing my children?

Everything they did is legal. The police have no authority to tell them not to videotape or allow your children to trespass to get a ball. Doing so violates your neighbor's property and civil rights so I really doubt the police did so. You may not like it but that is the law. You have really bad neighbors but that's life.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can someone legally video tape their neighbor in Missouri?

My neighbor has been videotaping us while we are walking our dog on Common grounds of our subdivision. Is this legal?

Why does Jon Huntsman get so many political articles written about him?

The media is trying to McCain Americans again. We will not nominate another RINO. He worked for OBAMA nuf said.

Ramsay's kitchen nightmares show?

I think it is pretty normal practice. Gross but true. There are several restaurants where the cooks do not use gloves.

Why is Obama unable to make policy in a world of technology?

Ronald Reagan got us through the technology revoultion in the 1980s which most economists and historians liken to the industrial revoultion without missing a beat. He embraced the changing world and worked with it to make this country prosperous. All Obama can do is use technology as an excuse for his failing policy

How do you transition between a satin ceiling paint (in a kitchen) to a flat ceiling paint in dining rm?

We recently painted the kitchen ceiling and used a satin paint. The rest of the ceiling is painted in a flat paint. We tried the same satin paint, but the glare with normal sunlight and even overhead lights really made the ceiling shine. Please note that both paints are off white. Now we have a definite line from the kitchen to the dining room area. Should we put up some sort of 1/2 round molding or just leave it alone?

What drug or substance can kill wild cats?

Wild disease carrying cats have taken over my home, they come in through a damaged board in the roof, invade my kitchen for food, frighten me and my kids, my wife is threatenning to leave with the kids if I don't do something about the wild creatures invading our home. Before you start referring me to animal control, I am in Nigeria, no pest/animal control here, a man is expected to protect/defend his family from wild animals. I want something toxic to put in left over food at night to eradicate them, also I'll like a slow acting poison so that they can go and die wherever they come from. Plz I don't need any other advice on who to call or how to help them, just give me the name of a drug or substance to use. I am hypertensive and have a lot bp lowering drugs (norvasc, lisinopril, atenolol), I don't know if grinding some and sprinkling them in left over food will be effective although I'll prefer cheaper drugs. I also have some asthma drugs like theophline and salbutamol, will they be effective? and what quantity /dose is lethal. Plz help me.

Obama has stronger, more forceful government than George W. Bush and even Ronald Reagan?

0-bama's thugs are only tough guys when they're pushing Americans around and they don't perceive that there is a threat of retaliation. Punch them in the teeth and see how "forceful" they are. Like typical "liberals", they'll curl up in a ball and pout about how mean everybody is.

How long will it take me to learn piano by self-teaching?

Anywhere from 6 months to never, depending on the kind of music you want to play. There is no way we can know if you have the skills to be a piano player.

Inline Skate Accident, can I place charges?

You can file a report with the police and could sue him in civil court. You can not file charges that is up to the police, they make the decision after reviewing the facts.

What should i do ? HELP ( 10 POINTS ) !?

First of all tell your parents why you want to go back to Vancouver, if you're depressed, that's the best thing for you. Also see a psychiatrist or a guidance counselor.

Do you think merely videotaping a police officer should be a crime?

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Have you ever posted videotapes of your sex life on-line? If so, did it have any bad repercussions?

The growth and popularity of amateur porn prompts me to ask this. I have had two acquaintances show me pics of their girlfriends and one of them asked me how he could post them on-line. Call me old-fashioned, but I really do not understand the draw of broadcasting my bedroom.

Is My Girl Friend A Nazi?

I was recently at my girl friend's house and she went to the bathroom.Well She lives in a studio apartment and the only thing she currently has besides kitchen ware is A bed. so I go and sit on the bed, but since I am clumsy I slipped off the bed and found a box. I pulled it out and saw Nazi memorabilia such as a SS uniform, a dagger, and some medals.And I'm actually Jewish so this bothers me.That was days ago but today I came over and she had posters and banners hanging, All of Swastikas and Hitler and what not. But here's the kicker when we were having sex she asked me to put on a tiny little moustache that looked Like Hitlers. So I am wondering do you think she is a hardened Nazi and if she finds out I'm Jewish she will try to kill me. should I break up with her? Thanks.

What is the song on the 2011 McDonald comercial where Ronald is walking around with a picture frame.?

The lyrics are "when I see your face la la la I want to take your picture". The vocals are from a female. Please send name of artist and song! Also link to the lyrics of the song

My 2 yr olds toenail just came off?? what THE?

idk if she slammed it or what? i noticed it was lifting from her skin so i started putting peroxide on it every now and then. after her baths i put a band-aid around it so its been fine. she hasn't been complaining, no blood or anything and she actually pulled it off herself! i was watching her from the kitchen and i almost yanked my hair out by the roots!! geez!...she gave me her whole little toenail and her toe just looks so plump and weird it kinda looks like one is growing already but it doesn't look right i guess ill just have to wait and see i put neosporin and another band-aid shes fine but i jus wanna know why does this happen sometimes? this is the second time its happened to her. same thing probably about a yr ago. does she need iron or potassium just curious.. this seems pretty common to me? happen to anybody's little one? any advice is good! thanxxxxx bunches byee ;)

Calling all figure skaters! How can I get the backspin position in the air in jumps?

I'm having a lot of trouble with my loop and flip. No matter what, on the ice I can't get my feet to cross in the air (in the backspin position). Off the ice I can do it fine- I've even videotaped myself, and people have said that I have the correct position off ice. What could be the problem? Please help, I want to fix this up so that I can move into Freestyle 5!!!!

Should I try to keep my dog, or does the MSPCA sound like a good idea?

DO NOT GET RID OF THEM PLEASE LISTEN, no matter what terrible things you go through in your life you should NOT get rid of your dogs. DO NOT PLEASE DO NOT bring him to the shelter. I had a pitbull puppy, 7 months old. She refused to go in the crate to, was awful on the leash, and always wanted to go out. I was VERY attached to her. We got rid of her because WE WERE depressed and annoyed with her. NOW WE WANT her back because it WAS A BIG MISTAKE. I got VERY sick over it and REGRET it ALOT!!!!!! I was a lunotic to do that! dogs in shelters ARE VERY HARD to adopt out! THEY'LL live the REST of THEIR lives in the shelter!! sometimes the shelter's will put them down depending if its a kill shelter. EVEN THE SPCA is a AWFUL shelter most people DO NOT ADOPT there because their fees are TO HIGH and their APPLICATIONS are WAYYYYYYYYY to impossible to be approved and PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO GO through that. you had the dogs a long time, be patient with them, when you get a breed like a lab or pitbull they are a BIG responsiblity, but they are so sweet to their family. TAKE MY ADVICE and keep them both FOREVER. You'll be HAPPY you did.

Why are so many people now against the mcdonalds mascot ronald mcdonald and the toys?

It's always easier to blame someone else than to look in the mirror. Ronald isn't even in most of McDonald's commercials. And you're right about the toys. Once the kids get home and have their PS3 or XBOX 360 controller in their hand they're not going to care about that cheap toy that's probably already broke. When I worked in retail I'd find happy meal toys all the time when walking the store. The kids didn't even want them for an hour.

Is Osama Bin Laden still alive?

All the people of the world believes that Osama is dead and the video which the american army showed the last stage of Osama also proff that he is dead if you cant believes Osama is dead you can check it on internet also then you cant believe all people will say you are half mind or foolish man

Why is it that the gov't released all the footage of Saddam Hossein's death but didn't do the same with Osama?

I mean I find it rather suspicious that they did that and the gov't also stated that it is a islamic ritual to be buried at sea, I am muslim, I would know and it's not. The gov't is also saying the pictures are to graphic to release but they videotaped Saddam Hossein being hung up close and personal and those lousy pics are too graphic??? It's all a conspiracy: LIES. LIES. LIES. at every corner the gov't keeps contradicting themselves and having Obama as pres., I honestly did not expect this. I also believe that if Bin Laden did die, it was a while back, the gov. just didnt find him. They navy seals did not just mosy on down to wherever he was hiding and were like oh hes here and shot him. It takes more then that. i'm not going to lie, Osama is a bloodthirsty phene. He desreved to die the min. he was born but all i am asking for is a lil proof and to be truthful I think that the only reason they are saying that he died now is because they want to shut up the 9/11 families. I want proof and I am not even a member of the 9/11 fdamily I am surprised that those who are still not asking fopr proof. May god bless you all and my prayers and thoughts go out to all the 9/11 families.

Am I responsible for damages or cleaning if there is no rental contract?

There is a lot of issues at my current home. I am renting from my soon to be ex-husband's family. He lived in home with me for 4 of the 5 years that we have rented home. We never signed any agreements with family members. In fact all utility bills are in her name. He has left several messes in yard that I am unable to clean up. He also has broken kitchen cabinets. I cannot make these repairs. Not to mention the fact that the landlord has refused to make many reapirs around the home, including a broken toilet and also a frog infested swimming pool with a broken water pump. I am moving and I have been getting harassing phone calls and threats from landlord that I have to fix items before I move or she will sue. Can she legally sue me? I have never signed any agreements with her and she has not reapired anything in the home while I was living there. I have never missed a months rent or been late.What should I do to protect myself?

When are we going to have a good President?

We have not had a good president since Ronald Reagan. Clinton fail, Bush fail, Obama fail etc. We need a good commander in chief who will secure our borders and get rid of all the illegal immigrants, destroy the IRS and find a way to make it so people are not taking advantage of welfare!

Is locking your kid outside for 2 hours considered child abuse?

Last night my mom and I got into a fight and she threw me outside and she shut the door so fast that she caught my ankle in it. My mom came outside and videotaped me, called me a *****, and told me the only thing I'm good at doing is eating (I'm about 30-40 lbs overweight). I sat on my porch for 2 hours with no jacket or shoes (it was really chilly and windy here yesterday) until my Nana got home and I walked to her house. I ended up having to spend the night there. She also wouldn't let me come in the house to eat or shower. Is this considered child abuse? Is there anything I can do to get out of this situation? My mom also said not to come home after school so I don't know if I should just go to my nana's house again or go to a friend's house. Help me? My mom is also abusive (verbally and physically).

Gas leak after refurbishment?

After having my kitchen refurbished by local housing i discovered that for 3 weeks i had 2 gas leaks one in cooker now condemned ( never failed gas safety check before ) and the other in my main gas meter after it was moved higher, Would i be entitled to a claim. I signed a non liability form but this was only for electrical items so does gas have a higher standard and notwithstanding the fact that 1 / if i was not on holiday for 2 weeks or was cold any time for the week i came home me my daughter and dog could be dead. I believe cooker was broken after being moved in and out many times and gas meter leak was caused by meter being raised. anyone's help in this matter regarding possible claim would be much appreciated

What do you think of these lyrics I wrote?

i dont want to insult you, but videotape sounds kind of weird. maybe instead of videotape i cant see, you coud do, movie i cant see?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What kind of lawyer would I contact if I was videotaped undressing without my knowledge?

This is a follow-up question. I was videotaped undressing in a dressing room (didn't see the camera till I was putting my clothes back on!) at a major retailer. What kind of lawyer do I call?

Basketball players.....I need help shooting with proper form?

My basketball coach has me stand around 2 or 3 ft. away from the basket. I have to shoot with my shooting hand and put backspin on the shot. If u need to use your weak hand to guide the ball but put your hand down before you shoot. Remember to flick your wrist towards the basket and keep your elbow in and when you feel like your shot is off go to the free throw line

What are the laws on videotaping people?

If you have seen those repo shows on tv, you have probably wondered how much trouble they could get in, people tell them to stop recording so they move the camera and record secretly and a ton of other stuff. and when people ask what the cameras are for (their tv show) they just say its for their protection. What are the laws aboit recording people on and off public property.

Need help with a Spanish translation?

"In regard to the talent of the area, the dominican gardeners Ronald Guzm�n, Elier Hern�ndez and Nomar Mazara, steal the show. 7 figure bonuses"

Found 3 maggots under kitchen table?

Maggots need and stay on something moist. They can not crawl around very long because they will dry up. They could be the larva from a moth in the food, like cereal, in the pantry. They leave little webs under the flaps of the boxes and on the edges of the boxes.

Washing tea-towels & hand towels?

No matter what detergent I use (and it's generally not the cheap stuff) and the cycle I use on my washing machine (sometimes hot, sometimes cold) I still can't get my tea towels or kitchen hand towels to smell clean. Any suggestions?

I think my wife is trying to kill me - what should i do?

I cheated on my wife after 14 years of marriage and she went berserk. She's nutty as a fruitcake to begin with, but this unhinged her already unsound mind. The problem is that I love her so much, so I wanted to resolve our conflict. The night she found out I cheated on her, she whacked me up side the head and said, "You will wish I killed you quickly...but you sooooo desrve a slow painful death. She does not bluff, so I was near crapping my drawers at the time. Then we went to marriage counselling, and I thought we had it all worked out. She was even acting all sweet and loving. Then out of nowhere, I started feeling seriously fatigued and horribly nauseous. I surprised her last Saturday in the kitchen and caught her crushing up these white pills. They were her Vanadom pills which are muscle relaxants. She said she was crushing them because she was having a hard time swallowing them. Wrong! - Trust me, my wife can swallow near anything...I will leave it at that. Then I am drinking my orange juice and it tastes really bitter. I think she has been putting her muscle relaxants in my food - and who knows what else. I am so sick today. I have it coming out both ends. I can barely drag myself out of bed. That has never happened before. I love her so much but am a little scared. Am I being paranoid in thinking she is trying to do me in? Where should I go from here?

Why don't Obama leave Moammar Gadhafi alone?

Because the UN Security Council asked that something be done about Gadhafi, and the US loses its super-power status if it stops caring about what everyone else in the world cares about.

What product can I put on top of my tiled counter tops that I can do on my own?

The honest truth is there is nothing you can put on top of it sorry. The cheapest option would be to replace it with a formica top which can be purchased from a DIY store quite cheaply but you would need to be a competent DIYer to fit this yourself

Is the eleventh commandment alive last night in the Republican debate?

The eleventh commandment, popularized by Ronald Reagan in 1966, but created by Gaylord Parkinson, says "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Are people allowed to put hidden camera videos online?

Are people allowed to videotape someone in their home without them knowing and put it online? I been watching porn and the titles say "hidden camera XXX" are they allowed to do that without the other persons permission?

Why are teens/young children so violent these days?

Its not the fault of one person. Its society as a whole. The things kids see when they are growing up is what they will do. It also has to do with lack of proper upbringing.

Is it true they will it look like the projectors are broken if someone is caught filming The Simpsons Ride?

A friend of mine has told me that at The Simpsons Ride at Universal Studios Florida, if the Krusty Krew Members (Universal Studios employees) catch people filming or taking pictures on the ride that they will switch to another film reel on the projectors which makes it look like the film is burning, and then an error message comes on the screen with the Universal logo that says "we are experiencing technical difficulties", and then after that, the lights will come on and they pull down all the Krusty cars in the dome the person was caught in, and they kick them out of Krustyland. Is it really true that the employees will actually go to the trouble of playing this film reel because they caught a rider breaking the rules by filming/photographing? I definitely know they at least pull down all the cars in the particular dome and kick the person out if they are caught filming, but do they actually switch to the reel that makes it look like the movie is burning? If this is true, how often do the play the reel when someone is videotaping?

Why do men get turned on my video recording intimacy stuffs?

i'm just curious. yesterday my boyfriend took his phone and started recording us doing it, and he seemed even more turned on by it. i just don't get why the video turned him on more when he could watch without the video. lol. he did delete the video after we were done. but i was wondering what makes videotaping a turn on factor

Is it illegal for my brother to beat me up?

Well my brother told me not to go in the kitchen and get something to eat but I ignored him and got something anyway because it's not his house and he isn't the boss of me. So while I was getting something to eat, he comes and grab my arm, i pushed him and then he pushed me against the refrigerator and then grabbed me and threw to the floor and start punching me in my face and kicking me in my stomach while i was on the ground. I'm wondering is this illegal, hes 18 and im 14.

Could anyone help me here?

So here's my current situation. My boyfriend and I, let's call him Harry; Harry and I had been for a little over a year now until I choose to end it on Sunday. I immediately regretted what I had done because I'm still madly in love with him, I think I handled the situation poorly and now he absolutely hates me. Now let me explain why I choose to break up with him. I had a gaia account that I quit a little after we started dating, my brother has one as well and I finally gave him the okay to take all my stuff on Sunday. So to make things easier for him he asked if he could use my computer and I agreed to let him. Now prior to letting him use my computer I checked my email to see if my grandpa had emailed me back, I left the tab up when I gave him the computer. So later on Harry came over and I wanted to show him something online. He saw the gaia tabs up and apparently saw a messaging tab, when I checked my history later on there was no messaging going on when my brother was on my computer. On top of that he saw that I had googled facebook search which upset him as well because we both deleted our facebooks. Now the reason I was on facebook is because my friend told me this really creepy kid was stalking her and I was curious about his profile. As you all know you can't use facebook search unless you are logged in so I used my brother's fake facebook to login. He saw that the email was saved on my computer. So after he left my house he texted me and started accusing me of secretly going on both websites and talking to people, which is as you now know completely untrue. Now after I explained why I was on those websites he refused to believe me and continued to accuse me of his original accusations. Now this wasn't the first time that he had falsely accused me, another example is that he is frequently accusing me of cheating on him. Once he was in the area and he called, I missed his call because I was in the kitchen and I had left my phone in the living room. He freaked out and told me someone else was over and that I was cheating on him. So basically the most recent incident was the last straw, I told him if he couldn't believe me then we couldn't be together because trust is essential to a healthy relationship. He refused to believe me so I ended our relationship. I immediately regretted my discussion and after trying to reason with him to at least come over and talk to me one last time, he refused to see me. So how can I get him back, what should I do?

Libs: Is the fact that Reagan was busy defeating the USSR enough to justify his spending?

I always hear from libs "Why do you care about Obamas spending so much, but don't care about how much Ronald Reagan spent". But I thought Ronald Reagan was busy dismantling one of the greatest threats america has ever faced which had the largest army and second largest economy in the world? Not even mentioning it was a totalitarian dictatorship. I guess i was dreaming. Has Obama ever faced a threat that large? And even so Obama plans to increase the debt 4 times what Reagan did!!!!! And that's adjusted to inflation.

I have now tiny tiny black dots crawling all over our house! Started in all bathrooms on cielings, walls @nigh?

Little tiny tiny black bugs, at night on ceiling and walls in all three bathrooms and now going into other rooms! We have a upstairs/ down stairs and all over, even in ceiler! Bathroms, kitchen near ligtht, Come out at night between 11:00 pm and well dawn most active! Are black not brown from what I know! Special needs, multi handicaped and disabiling child! I just had major life saving surgery and now this! We just found a birds nest was large under our porch and well-a, I threw it away and now e are infested, I believe! I am worried and child is worried! We both have low immune systems both type one diabetic, and can not get sicker then already am with all type one everything! I mom feel nothing diabetic neruopathy, had now 27 years, and well central nervious system is shoot and gone, feel nothing so would not know if bite or crawling anything! What are these things/ Are they harmful to ones health? How to get rid of? Can you get rid of? My child and I are literally crying ourselves to sleep at night, and wearing long everything so do not possibly get bite!!!!!!! HHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeelllllllllllppppppppppp please! Scared scared for child and me... Child is affraid will get into bedding and well stuffed aniamals and dolls and will need to throw all out and scared beyond belief, does not have much but does want to keep what does have lots of dolls and stuffed aniamals, and wants them saved says her, she is up and crying right now as I typet this, new house two years old and well horrible. Tyring to re coop from surgery and well having big time complications with and now trying to also deal with this help!

How can I get rid of ants in an unused kitchen?

depending on the color and type of surface you have the ants frequenting, my solution worked for a friends kitchen and he had mass ants. I purchased a big spray bottle from the dollar store and grabbed the bleach out of his laundry room. I filled this bottle a little over half with water and the rest with bleach. i sprayed them and the little trail back to the point of entry and they re-routed their little invasion real quick. Of coarse depending upon the size of the ants, you should strengthen the solution accordingly. Good luck. Hope this does it for you. Connie

What does it mean when a lamp (converted to a "touch" lamp) comes on by its self when garbage disposal's on?

My mom is in a home that was built in 1922. She has suffered from the occasional blown fuse. Now, she is concerned about a lamp that comes on by its self when certain appliances are turned on in another part of the house. This next fact may be important. The lamp is a standard lamp. However, it plugs into a device that converts the lamp to a "touch" control. The lamp is in one room, while the garbage disposal is in the kitchen (of course). I have not noticed any dimming of lights in the house. I think that this lamp also comes on when the vacuum cleaner is plugged in and used upstairs. Any help would be appreciated.

Old School Dem's Was Ronald Reagan a good president when you were around?

anyone who was around during reagan wanna let me know how he did but i only wanna hear from democrats who saw him not people who were republican

Planning A Middle School Party?

My mom said if me and my sisters get doing our schoolwork a little more (we're homeschoolers) we maybe could have a highschool-type party (with music, food and drinks, stuff like that.) What could I do for this party? I was just thinking of moving some furniture out of the kitchen/family room and making that a dance floor. Any ideas for food and drinks? (I thought of different kinds of soda and pizza) If we're making this a sleepover we're gonna make the boys sleep in the kitchen, living room, and the garage. :)

Parents are fighting....?

At around 8pm today when my dad got home from work he and my mom started fighting because my dad didn't want to eat why my mom made that day. They fought in the kitchen, my dad grabed my mom and started yelling at her and saying how she doesn't do anything around the house, that got me upset because she has to clean the house, cook, look after my sister and me, And when my dad was yelling at her she started crying (it looked like he was gonna slap her) and then I started to cry because I HATE to see my parents fight and I don't like to see my mom cry. Also yesterday when my mom was at work my dad snapped at my sister because she didn't finish washing the dishes. He started saying mean stuff to my sister like that she's "useless" and stuff like that and he made her cry. Now I'm super scared of my dad. I was always "daddys girl" but now I'm afraid to even go near him. So my question I what should I do if my parents fight again(defiantly a possiblity they will), and what should I do about my dad???

Oh come if the seas not polluted enough..whats up with that?

Meanwhile, Pentagon officials have said the at-sea burial of Osama bin Laden was videotaped and that it probably will be released soon

My cats caught a wild bird. I rescued it. What do I feed it?

Instead of just killing the poor bird they were batting it around the kitchen and torturing it! I stuck some gloves on and put him in a cage with some water, but what do I feed him? I intend to release him later on when the cats have calmed down and he'll have half a chance.